BYE UNI | 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Uni

1. The first group of friends you met doesn't have to be your life-long friends. I met a group of friends in orientation, but they ...

1. The first group of friends you met doesn't have to be your life-long friends.
I met a group of friends in orientation, but they end up just facebook friends. Relationship in uni are either life-long or just a semester, but that's ok. Know who's a good friend, not all friendships are worth to maintain.

2. You will grain weight.
No matter staying in college or share house, cooking my meal and controlling my own diet are something new to me. Going out for a meal is really normal and essential for social. But I guess that's a good reason to start going to gym, work-out and a good diet.

3. Manage your diet, routine, money.
Yes, planning is key! Plan my meals and weekly schedule in advance helps me to manage my time for church, social and school work. Also, start a habit to spend money wisely, determine what's needs and wants, stay minimal!

4. Join some clubs and societies, but make sure you stick with one.
I joined a couple clubs back in year one, but I end up staying in one only. Time is limited, it's impossible to go all events and meetings. Find one that you can find true friends that you can open up to. 

5. Be prepared for everything.
No one is gonna remind you anything. Classes sign-on, assignments, exam dates, all different kinds of prepared. Double-check everything, that's a life saving hack.

6. Make to-do/grocery lists.
I found writing my errants into a list helps me save time and not forgetting anything. When you have loads of things to remember, don't be lazy, just write them down and cross the item when you finish. It feels really satisfy to accomplish all the tasks.

7. It's ok to be alone, because you're not lonely.
I found it difficult to go to class alone, lunch by myself and study in library alone at the beginning. After all these years, it's normal. Everyone did that. I now enjoy being alone, it's avoid a lot of embarrass moments and worthless conversation. Being alone taught me I'm not lonely, because God always with me.

8. Group with strangers, meet new people.
Group projects sometimes sucks. It's easy to group with my friends and stay in my comfort zone, but working with new people, local students is building my communication skills and team work. It's challenging, but it forces me to speak a different language and explore new things.

9. You don't need a group of bff, building friendship with individual is fun too.
In high school, I was always with a group of friends, we did everything together. But I forget how important building individual friendship is important as well. Hang out one on one with my girl friends, go cafe and chit chat a whole day to get to know each other better.

10. Uni is not about what you learned in class, but how you communicate, being independent and being curious to explore new things. 
Yes, results are important, but to me, learning process is much important. I'm not a A+ student, but I learned a lot in communication and handling all errant by myself in the past 3 years. I think what I learned in class are not 100% applicable to real world, but it's definitely a fantastic experience! 

If you struggled a lot at uni, it's fine. Everyone struggle. It's not about how perfect your results are, it's more about how you tackle all the struggles and grow from that. Uni is over, any regret? Yes...not really. I do wish I realise all these things earlier, but it would be boring if I knew everything right at the beginning. One thing I wish I should have done is treasure all the time during just went by too fast, but yeah, I made it!

Watch my year three video:
cherry xoxo

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