MY 2017 | The End Of A Journey

Hey 2018, another year is passed, another life achievement unlocked. I was looking back to all the previous yearly review post I did. It...

Hey 2018, another year is passed, another life achievement unlocked.

I was looking back to all the previous yearly review post I did. It amazing how much I grow and how different I am compare to 3 years ago. Last year, I wrote "If 2014 is the year of changing, 2015 is the year of realising, 2016 is definitely a year of growing." For 2017, is a year of trusting.

Being the final year student, I was constantly asked about future and post-study plan since day one. I didn't really think about it seriously until recently...I kinda know I wanna stay longer in Australia, but at the same time I am afraid of making decisions, facing changes and planning about the future. I panic about graduating, being unemployed and leaving the city. I panic, but that's not everything. I still find joy in spending with friends, fellowship and serving in church. I tried my best to build better relationship with individual friend and treasure every friendship I've got. The panic is still here at the moment, but I didn't let it takes away my happiness and controls of my mind.

2016, I spent so much time on learning and focus on the word. 2017 I decided to focus on relying and trusting God. In the midst of assignments, committee meeting and training, even though it's tiring sometime, I know I'm glorifying Him, I know He's providing and strengthening me. This transiting period is killing, it's scary and feels helpless. But it forces me to rely God furthermore, to pray harder, to trust Him entirely.

2017 brought me to lots of places: Taipei, Seoul, Jeju Island, Tasmania, New Castle, Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne. 2017 also brought me so many first time. I finish my first full-time internship, first time serve as keyboardist in church, first time rock climb, first time visit Tassie, first time seeing aurora and milky way, first time hike in snow mountains, first time road trip and drive in Australia, first bachelor degree gained...

Thanks for being with me in this 3 years journey. Hey future me, I hope 2018 will be a worry-free year. Continue to trust the Lord, trust that He will provide everything and plan the best for you. Don't panic, everything is gonna alright. It's ok to get lost after uni, it's really ok.

Bye 2017,
Hello 2018.

Watch my latest video:
cherry xoxo

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